Alexander Dolinin’s Against Destiny is a striking and powerful novel that maybe occupies a unique place in English, translated, and also Russian literature, in which it has its roots. There have been numerous documentary and fictionalized accounts of life in the Stalinist GULag, but this is virtually the first full length story of one of those rare but still conceivable escapes from the Soviet punitive system. The escapers, together with their fellow prisoners, their guards and pursuers, as well as various personalities they encounter en route, offer a microscopic view of Soviet society in the postwar years, reminding one of Solzhenitzyn’s First Circle and Cancer Ward. Although a work of fiction, every detail of the novel and its background has been minutely and scrupulously researched , in a manner reminiscent of Frederick Forsyth. The result is a novel that has a cogency, a sense of psychological and documentary realism, and an ideological message that place it among the best writings in any language on this harrowing subject matter.
Christopher Barnes, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literature , University of Toronto
author of Boris Pasternak: A Literary Biography (Cambridge University Press)
Alexander Dolinin's Against Destiny is a fast-
Brian John, Professor Emeritus of English, McMaster University
I have just about completed reading Against Destiny by Alexander Dolinin. As I have
not thoroughly completed the book I cannot comment on what I have not read. However,
thus far, and I'm on the last section of the book, I have felt the chilling effect
the Siberian climate has to offer, the discomforts of life, and the incredible drive
to reach some version of freedom from a society fraught with a silent sort of Reign
of Terror. Even the most dedicated and honourable of men can end up as part of the
miserable Gulag that Russia has become so infamous in supporting for its so-
No nation should have to be wrapped up in such a society that they have no chance to say what they need to say without the fear of being silenced forever.
I believe that the author has caught the power of man to find something better than a system of life that keeps you in bondage even though you are not in prison.
Jane Evans, retired nurse’s aide
Alexander Dolinin’s Against Destiny is a gripping, unsparing tale of the imprisonment of five men in the Kolyma slave labour camp in Eastern Russia immediately after WWII, and of their escape from it. At a time when Russian authorities are once again trying to suppress the memory of Soviet brutality, Against Destiny brings the sufferings in the Gulag to life and reminds us of the shameful Soviet past.
Rhoda E. Howard-
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
This historical novel is the first fictional account of an escape from Stalin's Gulag.
Set in the period soon after the Second World War, it tells the story of four ex-
David Hitchcock, Professor of Philosophy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Mr. James McKinnon
Editor, Kunati Inc.
I received from Mr A. Dolinin the galley of his novel Against Destiny and read it
with pleasure. I highly appreciate your publishing such a book. Hitler's crimes are
recognized by the whole world and definitely condemned. But the unconditional condemnation
of Communists' crimes, which are more horrible, is still not part of the Western
psyche. There are still countries where you see monuments to Lenin! There are still
Communist countries—even if some of them call themselves differently. To preach Nazi
ideology is a crime in many countries; but in no country is it a crime to preach
Communist ideology. And in fact, it is not strange that extreme Muslim fanatics and
Communists form always a common front. Therefore, your publishing Against Destiny
constitutes an important contribution to the cause of the defense of our civilization.
I have no doubts that, for any reader, this novel will be an eye-
Igor Mel’čuk, Professor, Dept. of Linguistics and Translation, University of Montreal
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
... novel is FANTASTIC. My mother loved it, my sister is reading it next, and I will soon give it to my neighbour. What a story!!
Jan Sobocan, London, Ontario
The book depicts the inhuman conditions of a Soviet labour camp and an incredible escape of five prisoners. The novel portrays the extraordinary survival skills of these men, their struggle against the harsh environment of the North and their determination to seek freedom even if the price for it is life.
Some of the best pages of the novel depict the traditional lifestyle of the Chukchi people, their worship of ancestral deities and their mistrust of the "Big Mustache" and the Soviet authorities. Owing to the Chukchi hospitality and their help, the five runaways manage to prepare themselves for their risky crossing of the Bering Strait and their encounters with the pursuing Red Army soldiers.
The fictional characters are drawn with a great skill and empathy and are conveyed mostly through dialogue, rather than through external description or evaluation. With its strong presence of direct speech and its dynamic plot, the narrative reads like a script for an action movie.
Nina Kolesnikoff, Professor, Department of Linguistics and Languages, McMaster University
Against Destiny is a horrifying, gripping and utterly credible story of life in a
Margaret John, retired teacher, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
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